Jože Senegačnik DbProf d.o.o.

Oracle ACE Director Oak Table Member

Joze Senegacnik has more than 28 years of experience in working with Oracle products. He began in 1988 with Oracle Database version 4 while working for the City of Ljubljana, where he had charge over the city's municipal and geographic information systems. 

From 1993 to 2003, he worked in developing GIS systems for the Surveying and Mapping Authority of the Republic of Slovenia, and in the development of applications for other governmental institutions, all based on the Oracle database. More recently, he has specialized in performance optimization, having developed his own toolset for monitoring performance and analyzing trace files.Joze is an internationally recognized speaker, and a member of the highly respected OakTable Network ( He was awarded Oracle ACE and Oracle ACE Director membership for his long record of positive contributions to the Oracle community.


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