Ensuring data replication for the Oracle database Standard Edition


DBA & Infrasturcture

Date and time






Many companies face the challenge of how to ensure business continuity. For continuous business, it is also necessary to ensure the reliable operation of at least basic IT services.In the presentation, we will look at how we can use the DBvisit tool to replicate the production database in Oracle Cloud and thus provide a simple and affordable way to operate IT services in a backup location, which can be accessed without any problem, even in the event of a complete failure of the primary location, and thus significantly increase the reliability of the company's operations.The solution is of particular interest to companies using the SE database, as it provides these customers with an Enterprise level of Disaster Recovery.However, you can replicate the data anywhere, including your own other location, the public cloud, or the Database Appliance.The solution ensures that your critical data is always protected and accessible, and you have a cost-effective and reliable DR solution.

Lecture details

Type: Lecture
Level of difficulty: Detailed
Experience Level: Experienced
Desirable listeners function: End user , DBA , Team leader
Group of activity: DBA & Infrasturcture

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