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A Deep Dive into APEX JET Charts (101)
Roel Hartman - APEX Consulting
Hall B
Duration: 45'
Management Content
Aktualno: aktualni projekti unapređenja gospodarstva korištenjem podataka (1. dio) (602)
Robert Kopal - Državni tajnik
Bernard Gršić - Središnji državni ured za razvoj digitalnog društva
Marko Krištof - Državni zavod za statistiku Republike Hrvatske
Ivan Barać - Ericsson Nikola Tesla
Mario Bebić - Hrvatska pošta
Ante Mandić - IN2
Hall A
Apex 5 plugins for everyone (102)
Alan Arentsen - Arentsen Database Consultancy
Apex Application Deployment - The Component Approach (103)
Daniel Huha - Bilog d.o.o.
APEX Shared Components (104)
Aljaz Mali - Abakus Plus, d.o.o
Application Express 5.1 and beyond ... (105)
Carsten Czarski - ORACLE Deutschland B.V. & Co KG
Application Express and the REST of the world (106)
DBA & Infrasturcture
Automate DBA Tasks With Ansible (401)
Ivica Arsov - Pythian
Duration: 60'
Automating Oracle database administration, practical examples with Ansible (402)
Ilmar Kerm - Kindred Group
Mikael Sandström - Kindred Group
AWR Warehouse: the Good, the Bad and the Ugly (403)
Patrick Jolliffe - Li & Fung Trading Ltd
Back to the basics: TABLESPACES… but a little bit low level style (404)
Kamil Stawiarski - ORA-600
Keynote speech
Big Data and Creativity: Innovative Cases and Examples (K01)
Velimir Srića - EFZG
Big Data and the Multi-model Database (K4)
Heli Helskyaho - Miracle Finland Oy
Elise Valin-Raki - Fennia
Duration: 55'
Best Practicies & Success Stories
Big Made Simple: Integrating Oracle and Big Data seamlessly (202)
Roger MacNicol - Oracle
Hall C
DevOps & Cloud
Cloud Applications – Back to Basics (301)
Debra Lilley - Certus
Hall D
Development & Middleware
Code, Data, and Containers everywhere. (501)
Piet de Visser - PDVBV
Common Pitfalls in Complex Apps Performance Troubleshooting (502)
Timur Akhmadeev - Pythian
Conference opening (001)
Davor Ranković - HrOUG president
Duration: 10'
Connecting GIS and Apex using websockets (107)
Mladen Kukulić - IN2 d.o.o.
Duration: 30'
Creating Microsoft Word DOCX documents within Oracle database (517)
Zoran Tica - ZT-TECH
Data Driven Society: Why we make a mistakes and how to change that? (004)
Deploying PL/SQL applications, building Rome in a day (503)
Design your databases straight to the Cloud (302)
Docker for Dummies (504)
Dubravko Miljković - HEP
Efficient test data management (506)
Marcin Przepiorowski - Delphix
Enterprise Manager 13c Cloud Control for DBAs
Gokhan Atil - Bilyoner
Extending your HCM Cloud Self Service is as simple as ABC(S) (303)
From 0 to APEX - APEXify your Newbies (108)
Dietmar Gabauer - FOEX GmbH
Having Fun with Open Data and Oracle XE (507)
Øyvind Isene - Bicon
High available architecture for Oracle Fusion Middleware (405)
Zoran Jovanović - IN2 d.o.o.
High-Performance Oracle environment on NFS (406)
Adam Boliński - Tiento Ltd.
Histograms are Evil like Chocolate is Evil (407)
Neil Chandler - Chandler Systems
How to migrate on-premises Oracle databases to Oracle Database Cloud Service (304)
Osama Mustafa - Gurus Solutions
Identificiranje korijenskih problema sa performansama baze podataka (416)
Alen Prodan - Login d.o.o.
Jet Charts in the World of APEX (109)
Alex Nuijten - all APEX
Kapsch FMS Virtualization (206)
Dario Nikolić - Kapsch CarrierCom d.o.o.
Little Red Riding Hood and GDPR : Who’s afraid of the big GDPR (408)
Philippe Fierens - independant
Pieter Van Puymbroeck - Exitas
Managing decisions in real time using Oracle Real Time Decisions (514)
Ljiljana Perica - Oracle
Mining the AWR v1: Alternative Methods for Identification of the Top SQLs (409)
Maris Elsins - Pythian
Mining the AWR v2: Trend Analysis (410)
Mobile Development in JavaScript with Oracle JET (K3)
Geertjan Wielenga - Oracle
One Stop Shop for Land Registry and Cadastre (203)
Ilija Ćaćić - Ericsson Nikola Tesla d.d.
Oracle 12c for Developers (508)
Oracle APEX for data management, data consolidation, data integration (110)
Wolfgang Scherrer - infomArt
Oracle Cloud for Dummies (306)
Oracle Database as Barcode / RFID Solution Provider (509)
Oracle Enterprise Metadata Management – comprehensive metadata management platform (510)
Oracle JET Hands On Lab (PART 1) (511)
Duration: 180'
Oracle JET Hands On Lab (PART 2) (511)
Oracle JET Hands On Lab (PART 3) (511)
Oracle JET Hands On Lab (PART 4) (511)
Oracle Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Workshop (311)
Morana Kobal Butković - Oracle Hrvatska
Oracle trend\'s in business and development (002)
Marin Tadić - Oracle Hrvatska
Duration: 20'
PERFECT RECALL = Lossless Backup (411)
Sergej Rožman - Abakus plus d. o. o.
Podaci i privatnost: u susret GDPR regulativi u različitim industrijama (1. dio) (601)
Petar Mišević - HGK
Vlado Rendulić - Apis-IT
Dražen Pranić - Atlantic Grupa
Renata Mekovec - FOI Varaždin
Podaci i privatnost: u susret GDPR regulativi u različitim industrijama (2. dio) (601)
Power plant information management system - 12 years after (204)
Patrik Franković - HEP d.d. - Sektor za informacijsko komunikacijske tehnologije
Zoran Frlan, Gordan Krstičević, Luka Kolembus, Domagoj Petelin
Practical Oracle R (512)
Goran Prodanović - Megatrend poslovna rješenja d.o.o
Regular Expressions: Say What? (513)
Simplify your #development environment with @Oracle Java Cloud Service (307)
Duško Vukmanović - Oracle
The journey of a bi database stack to the cloud (310)
Thick database concept by example (515)
Top 10 Features of Oracle SQL Developer everybody should use, even in the Cloud (308)
Top Ten Tweaks for the Interactive Grid (115)
Marko Gorički - BiLog d.o.o.
Upgrading from 4.2 to 5.x for APEX developers (112)
Ivana Lovrić - IN2 d.o.o.
Use APEX to Visualize Spatial Data (113)
Using Oracle columnar data across the Information Lifecycle (516)
Utilizing the data attribute: Client-side behavior in APEX. (114)
Richard Martens - Smart4apex
Value Added Backup (412)
Boris Oblak - Abakus plus d. o. o.
Gorana Bardak - Login d.o.o.
VOODOO - the black magic of cheep cross-database replication (413)
Marcin Rydz - ORA-600
We Predicted Brexit. We Predicted Trump. What Do You Want Us To Predict Next? (K02)
Vuk Vuković - Oxford University, UK
What is new in Multitenant 12.2 (414)
Jože Senegačnik - DbProf d.o.o.
Why Has My Plan Changed. Top 7 Plan Stability Pitfalls and How To Avoid Them! (415)
Znanost i gospodarstvo: koliko je veliko „tržište“ projekata u znanosti i kako iz IT-ja doći to tih budgeta (1. dio) (603)
Ivan Serdarušić - Projekt jednako razvoj
Dragutin Živković - Visoko učilište Algebra
Znanost i gospodarstvo: koliko je veliko „tržište“ projekata u znanosti i kako iz IT-ja doći to tih budgeta (2. dio) (603)
The conference is organized by the Croatian Association of Oracle users. More about the association can be found at