KANBAN Game for developers (and business analysts) Part 1


Razvoj & Middleware

Datum i vrijeme

srijeda, 16. listopad 2019., 09:30


Dvorana E



"We're going to play a game! During this three hour!! session we'll play the Kanban Board Game, which gives insight in how we developers can implement some (or all) of the kanban principles within our agile (scrum) projects.Up to four tables (teams) with up to 8 attendees will compete with eachother for best results. All teams will have: - a Project manager- a Chart Tracker- a Financial Analyst- a Control Flow Tracker- Developers- Business Analysts

The session is as follows:- 30 minute introduction (game rules and explanation) incl. role-assignment- 90 minute game- 30 - 60 minute debrief and discussionI will have prizes available for the winners.


I have played the game a number of times and we always had great fun, but most of all it gave us insights in how to focus more on ""getting things done"".

The number of participants in the workshop is limited to 32, so please send your interest to participate to info@hroug.hrr and so book your chair.

Detalji o predavanju

Vrsta: Radionica
Razina težine: Općenito
Poželjno iskustvo slušatelja: Bez iskustva (1 g. i manje)
Poželjna funkcija slušatelja: Svi

O predavaču

Najbolji pokrovitelj

Bolji pokrovitelj

Edukacijski pokrovitelj

Medijski pokrovitelj


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