APEX 5.1 New Features: Part 2



Datum i vrijeme

četvrtak, 20. listopad 2016., 09:55


Dvorana A



While APEX 5.0 was primarily focused on developer productivity and creating modern user interfaces, APEX 5.1 will be a huge leap in end user productivity. See how the Interactive Grid will bring dynamic, rich-client reporting and multi-row editing capabilities to your APEX applications and how the new, powerful charting engine - based on Oracle’s own JavaScript Extension Toolkit (Oracle JET) - will enable your users to visualize and interact with their data like never before. We’ll also take an in-depth look at numerous other enhancements, such as the new Live Template Options, support for Right-To-Left languages, the future of Page Designer with the integrated Component View and many more. This is part 2 / part 2 of a two-hour in-depth session and live demonstration of the new features introduced with APEX 5.1.

Detalji o predavanju

Vrsta: Predavanje
Razina težine: Općenito
Poželjno iskustvo slušatelja: Iskusni (2-3 g.)
Poželjna funkcija slušatelja: Programeri

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