A technical deep dive into pattern matching using MATCH_RECOGNIZE


Business Intelligence & Analytics

Datum i vrijeme

srijeda, 19. listopad 2016., 11:00


Dvorana C



This session will explore the new Database 12c SQL Pattern Matching feature. This is a very powerful feature, which can used to solve a wide variety of business and technical problems. Using a live demo we will look at how to solve typical pattern matching business problems that can be solved very efficiently using MATCH_RECOGNIZE. To help you understand the basic mechanics of the MATCH_RECOGNIZE clause the demo will look at the new MATCH_RECOGNIZE related keywords in the explain plan such as DETERMINISTIC, FINITE  and AUTO. We will explore the key concepts of deterministic vs. non-deterministic state machines, greedy vs. reluctant quantifiers and how to use the built-in debugging measures. Finally, we will review typical issues such as back-tracking.

Detalji o predavanju

Vrsta: Predavanje
Poželjno iskustvo slušatelja: Iskusni (2-3 g.)
Poželjna funkcija slušatelja: Svi
Grupa aktivnosti: business intelligence and Analytics

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